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Garmin Bike Computer Repair

I have started repairing bike computers including brands such as Garmin.  I can do batteries and screens (LCD) and a fraction of the replacement cost.

What’s that Sound in My Computer?

My computer is making a funning sound! All computers, Mac, and PC (and Linux!) will have hardware that makes a sound. There are certainly high-end issues that can cause sounds. But more often than...

10 Ways to Tell if your iPhone is Dying!

10 Ways to Tell if your iPhone is Dying!

iPhones Are Great, But That Doesn't Mean They Last Long. Apple is known for making a great product that has turned it into a trillion-dollar company. Most people aren't ever going to leave the...

Tech Fixers is now connected via FIBER!

Centurylink just finished installing Fiber to the Tech Fixers Shop/Office so now we are connected via one of the fastest, most reliable,lowest latency connections available. What alot of people...

Macbook Air/Pro SSD upgrades

Macbook Air/Pro SSD upgrades

The client had a macbook 2015 that could not update because the hard drive was full.  This  model came with a 128gb m.2 drive. I fixed the update  issues,  replaced the drive with a 512 NVME ssd....

FREE UVC Sterilization Station is Now Open!

I have a sterilization station set up to sanitize items such as N95 masks, computers, phones, etc. It is a free public service. I have parts to build another setup and am willing to lend it out for...

MacGyvered is now an official US word

MacGyvered is now an official US word

The character, Macgyver, played by Minnesota's own Richard Dean-Anderson, is now officially a US english word. verb: past tense: MacGyvered; past participle: MacGyvered "make or repair (an object)...

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